For our e-commerce platform, I thought of a lascivious concept of lifestyle. I wanted a visual breakthrough, avoiding a coolish and distant high glossy image of diamonds.
When I look around, I have the impression that the love life and the relationships have changed in the 21st Century. The perfect relationship, does it really exist? Data says that many diamonds are purchased for mistresses and girlfriends, not only for spouses (or spouses in spe). The relationship in the status between rise and fall creates moments of pleasure. I wanted the campaign to shed light on those moments.
I decided to go for the topics of dating and a permissive lifestyle.
Dating at the core of my diamond jewelry image campaign
While looking for solutions and fresh ideas for diamond marketing, I found inspiration in Boccaccio's book Decamerone. An exciting book to read from the Florence Renaissance.
Love is a game, a power play, a victory or a defeat, and an illusion!
In the topic of dating is both pleasure and seduction. The joy of life and after all, a retreat back to oneself.
For those who don't know Boccaccio, here is a summary:
Boccaccio was a poet, based in Florence and wrote a famous novel in the early Renaissance, the "Decamerone" (1349- 1353). In this novel, a group of seven young ladies and three gentlemen flee from the black death, which is battering the city centre of Florence, to the joyous hills of Fiesole. They spend ten days in the lush gardens of a villa to kill time, thereby telling 10 x 10 stories of love, adventure, pleasure and permissiveness. The cultural amusements which they enjoy by storytelling, dance and play come to an end when it is finally time for the group to return to Florence.
Our location, a boutique hotel in the hills of Fiesole, was very suitable to illustrate the Decamerone spirit. There were marvellous paintings at the ceiling, and it was a perfect, romantic hideaway. They even had a historic bathtub from Roman times. Or was it maybe an ancient sarcophagus?
It was the second time that I shot with photographer Marco di Filippo and his partner Trine-Marie. We had the same good collaboration as before. Model Elonna was amazing.
See some mood pictures of the campaign. This project is ongoing.